Iron Monkey

(listing of cuts and changes)

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    List of cuts:
  1. After Wong Kei Ying eats with Dr. Yang and Miss Orchid and takes his leave to try find Iron Monkey, they cut the part where Miss Orchid gives him some buns to take with him.
  2. When Wong Kei Ying and Cheif Fox are eating and talking on the roof, they cut the part where the pan is blown off and someone shouts "Who blocked the chimney?"
  3. When Wong Fei Hung is going to sell the pills after leaving Dr. Yang's clinic, they cut his little kung fu demonstration before he starts selling the pill.
  4. After Dr. Yang and Wong Fei Hung leave, after being warned by Chief Fox that they are being sought after: The part with the villagers and the rice was cut. We see them just as Miss Orchid comes to tell them about Fei Hung.
  5. This wasn't an actual cut from the film, but they cut out a bit of dialogue. After the final battle when Dr. Yang and Miss Orchid see each other, and Kei Ying and Fei Hung see each other - they cut out the dialogue of Chief Fox saying "Why no one cares about me?"
  6. When Wong Kei Ying starts to cry when saying goodbye to his son, they cut him wiping the tear like his son does.
  7. Some of the part where Fei Hung is getting whipped is cut.
  8. Some of the fights have been trimmed here and there. Supposedly, this was done by Yuen Woo Ping himself to "tighten up" the fights. He mentioned this in an interview on the official site for the film's re-release.